MIMRTL team member Maribel Torres-Velázquez succesfully defended her PhD thesis in the Department of Biomedical Engineering entitled “Deep Learning and Radiomics Applied to Magnetic Resonance Images of the Brain and Muscles to Better Detect Disease.” In her thesis, Maribel conducted interesting and state of the art analyses using a combination of machine learning and deep learning networks to evaluate multi-modal imaging data in the brain (epilepsy) and in the muscles (hamstring injury). Thanks to the committee members for their advice and mentorship: Walter Block, PhD, Professor, Biomedical Engineering; Kip Ludwig, PhD, Associate Professor, Biomedical Engineering; Aaron Suminski, PhD, Senior Scientist, Biomedical Engineering; Alan B. McMillan, PhD, Associate Professor, Radiology; Mary Elizabeth Meyerand, PhD, Professor, Biomedical Engineering. After completing her PhD studies, Maribel is planning to do a post doctoral research fellowship at Northwestern University.